Time: 30-60 minutes
School Diaries/Internet/School Mottos etc.
Hint: If there are a few Guides who go/went to the same school have them sit together for the start of the activity
Guides think about/or look up the motto of their school. With their schoolmates, or individually, highlight 3-5 main values that their school holds from the values lists, and number them in order of importance. These could be quickly discussed.
As a unit or patrol guides then think about the top 3-5 values that Guiding considers important, highlighting them and numbering in order of importance.
Guides then think about the values their family holds- whether their immediate household, or extended family. They highlight 3-5 main values, and then number them in order of importance.
Finally, guides think about their own personal values and highlight 3-5 values which are of importance to them & again number them in order of importance. If girls would like, they can choose to share these lists with one another, but should not feel obliged too.
Guides then compare the earlier lists with their own. Leaders lead debrief:
Are their any differences or similarities?
If there are similarities, do they think one of the communities(school, guides, family) has influenced their own values?
Can they think of anything which accounts for particular differences?
If there are significant differences between any of the lists: Do you think that this impacts the relationships between the groups?
What links can be made with “being true to myself and developing my beliefs”
Hint: If you wanted to treat this activity up,, you could include different actives in between each step. For example, we've tested Step 1 followed by mixing cookies, Step 2 while the cookies bake, and step 3 while they cool and step 4&5 while eating them!