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Guiding History Resources

As a movement with over 100 years of history, Guiding has lots of stories to tell and experience to share. These are some of my resources which I have created to help make Guiding History much more exciting then history at school

Girl Guides Western Australia: Guide Houses​

These resources are a product of my Olave Baden Powell Award Challenge in the area of History and Traditions, and were created to help explore and celebrate the centenary of Guiding in Western Australia, and the relocation of GGWA Headquarters in 2016. 


The original resource is an "Amazing Race" style history hike around the Perth CBD, designed for older Guides to connect with the physical places which have been significant in the history of our movement, most of which are still there. I have also adapted the resource to be used by younger Guide Units in their usual meeting places.  










You can access soft copies of the resources here, but physical copies - including laminated  colour pictures, maps, "shillings", and other prepared resources  - are available to be borrowed from GGWA's Sally Carlton Library.

A few years ago, our unit created our very own Guide History Book. This resource has the script we used, and we got our guides to illustrate all the pages themselves. We also use this for skits and action stories!

This is just a "fact sheet" of selected extracts from Scouting for Boys by Baden Powell on Being Healthy. It's been selected and slightly adapted for a modern context and might be a useful way to include some Guiding History into topics such as fitness, health and hygiene.

This resource has adapted versions of the old Brownie Guide Tests for your Girl Guides to try and achieve. We used this for 100 years of Brownies, and used it to start a discussion about the difference in the types of activities Guides use to do, and why this might be.

This is a fact sheet on the history of Rangers/Senior Guides. It's just extracts from a few wonderful sources available online, in a concise sheet for Rangers. We keep this handy at our hall for reference.

This website is a personal project, not an official site of Girl Guides Australia. Girl Guides Australia takes no responsibility for the content of this website. 


© Bubbles' Guiding Resources

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