Clip Art & Picutres
Guide Law Graphics
I find it is useful if you can have symbols or pictures for the Guide Laws, especially when working with younger Guides who might be that great at reading yet.
Our Guides recognise all these images & what they mean. We have them printed on A4 laminated cards which we use for games of memory or Kims Games, or use as a focal point for a discussion or activity. Where other games / activities might have the laws typed out, we use these so everyone can take part.
Original Girl Guide Clip Art
You always need a picture for a note or activity! These are images created by me. I'm not an artist, but I hope they are useful!
Not-So-Original Clip Art
Did I mention I'm not an artist? I'm not, so I find it easier to adapt existing images to look like Australia Guides. Don't use these images on anything you are going to sell, badges etc. But they are good for notes home and other in-unit use.