Time: 5-10 minutes
Friends to play with
Hint: This one is Similar to “Down by the Banks of the Hanky-Panky”
Sit in a circle, with hands palm up to your left and right. Your right hand should be on top of your neighbours left hand.
The group begins the clapping chain by having one person move their right hand over to clap on their neighbours right hand. The neighbour then passes the clap on the person on their left.
As the clap moves around the circle, the group says the words of the promise at the same time as each clap
When it gets to the last word (“Law”), you need to try to avoid the clap., by pulling your right hand in towards yourself at the last minute. If you receive the law clap, you are out.
If you are delivering the law clap, and your neighbour moves her hand in time to avoid it, you are out.The game is then repeated, starting from where it last finished.