Time: 20-40 minutes
A5 or A4 pieces of paper
Coloured Textas
Sticky tape
Tell the guides they need to independently draw their community on a sheet of paper. Don’t give them any more instructions, (unless they really need it). Give them ~10 minutes or so to do this.
In patrols, get each Guide to tell the others who is in their community. If someone has thought of something new, Guides can add that person/thing to their community as well.
Patrols then join their community sheets together with sticky tape, and then present it to the rest of the unit, briefly describing who/what is in their community. Again, if patrols discover something new they wish to add they can quietly do so.
Guides can join all the patrol communities together with sticky tape.
As a unit, look at the community and discuss what you see. Some questions might be:
Is there anyone we have forgotten in our community that we should add?
Is there a boundary to the edge of our community? Is it limited by a location or anything else?
Are there small communities within the larger community?
How could we serve this community? As a whole? Or to help the individuals or small groups in the community?