Time: 20-60 minutes Hint: Can be over multiple meetings
Large bare tree branch (one for the unit or each patrol), standing in a bucket/pot of sand/rocks
Leaf shapes cut out of green paper/card (5-10 each)
Flower shapes cur out of paper/card ( 1 each)
Blu-tac or string
Guides write their name on a flower and decorate and stick it to the tree.
Guides write/draw 3 leaves about themselves (e.g. 1 special thing about her, 2 for talents or skills) and blutac them to the tree near her name flower
Guides then write/draw a leaf for the others in their patrol/unit with something special about them, which get added to the tree near the correct flower Hint: If needed, leaders can manage this to make sure content is kind and everyone gets approximately equal numbers of leaves
Patrols/Units can keep the trees for a period of time, until “Autumn” comes and the leave fall off the trees into convenient envelops for the Guides to take home.