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Promise & Law Resources

Developing these Promise and Law resources was a part of my Olave Baden Powell Award, and the key reason for developing this website. I'm very thankful to all the units and leaders who helped out by testing the activities or lending me their Guides to test things on - these lovely people are acknowledged at the bottom of the page.

Activities are listed separately and have 3 types of tags to help you find what you are looking for.  Recuit/Guide tags indicate if the activity is suited to members who have recently joined or Guides who have already made their promise.  Age tags indicate the developmental stages I had in mind as suitable for the activity (including OP standing for lave Program).  And finally Individual/Patrol/Unit tags indicate the size group that the activity can work with.  Click on the tags to filter activities.

A Guide Is...

Time: 15 Minutes


  • Cards (could be laminated) with different letters on them

  • Pens (or whiteboard markers if laminated)

  • A die for each patrol


  1. Cards are laid face down in the middle of the space, patrols in small circles in their patrol corners each with dice and a pen/marker

  2. Patrol members take turns to roll the dice.

  3. When a 3 is rolled, the roller runs to collect a card from the middle of the room.

  4. They bring the card back to their patrol, who must think of a word starting with that letter to complete the sentence “A Guide is”. The word can be written on the card and kept in a pile, and the patrol returns to rolling the dice.

  5. When all the cards have been taken by patrols the game has finished

Idea: Once they are done, Guides or Leaders can vote for their favourite word - either in each patrol, or for the whole unit.

Idea: Once the game is over, patrols can organise their words to decide what Guide law they best relate to

Idea: If you want to extend it even further, patrols can make a skit to show how one of their words relates to the relevant Guide Law.


This website is a personal project, not an official site of Girl Guides Australia. Girl Guides Australia takes no responsibility for the content of this website. 


© Bubbles' Guiding Resources

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