Time: 15 Minutes
Cards (could be laminated) with different letters on them
Pens (or whiteboard markers if laminated)
A die for each patrol
Cards are laid face down in the middle of the space, patrols in small circles in their patrol corners each with dice and a pen/marker
Patrol members take turns to roll the dice.
When a 3 is rolled, the roller runs to collect a card from the middle of the room.
They bring the card back to their patrol, who must think of a word starting with that letter to complete the sentence “A Guide is…”. The word can be written on the card and kept in a pile, and the patrol returns to rolling the dice.
When all the cards have been taken by patrols the game has finished
Idea: Once they are done, Guides or Leaders can vote for their favourite word - either in each patrol, or for the whole unit.
Idea: Once the game is over, patrols can organise their words to decide what Guide law they best relate to
Idea: If you want to extend it even further, patrols can make a skit to show how one of their words relates to the relevant Guide Law.